Package 'iMRMC'

Title: Multi-Reader, Multi-Case Analysis Methods (ROC, Agreement, and Other Metrics)
Description: This software does Multi-Reader, Multi-Case (MRMC) analyses of data from imaging studies where clinicians (readers) evaluate patient images (cases). What does this mean? ... Many imaging studies are designed so that every reader reads every case in all modalities, a fully-crossed study. In this case, the data is cross-correlated, and we consider the readers and cases to be cross-correlated random effects. An MRMC analysis accounts for the variability and correlations from the readers and cases when estimating variances, confidence intervals, and p-values. The functions in this package can treat arbitrary study designs and studies with missing data, not just fully-crossed study designs. An overview of this software, including references presenting details on the methods, can be found here: <>.
Authors: Brandon Gallas [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Brandon Gallas <[email protected]>
License: CC0
Version: 2.1.0
Built: 2025-03-02 03:33:22 UTC

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Convert an MRMC data frame to a design matrix


Convert an MRMC data frame to a design matrix, dropping readers or cases with no observations


convertDFtoDesignMatrix(dfMRMC, modality = NULL, dropFlag = TRUE)



An MRMC data frame


The score matrix depends on the modality. If more than one modality exists in the data frame, you must specify which modality to subset.


[logical] The default setting (TRUE) removes readers and cases that have no observations. Dropping them by default will speed up analyses. Leaving the levels (dropFlag = FALSE) is useful if you need the entire score or design matrix when comparing or doing analyses with two modalities.


A matrix that is nCases by nReaders indicating which scores were reported for each reader and case

Convert an MRMC data frame to a score matrix


Convert an MRMC data frame to a score matrix, dropping readers or cases with no observations


convertDFtoScoreMatrix(dfMRMC, modality = NULL, dropFlag = TRUE)



An MRMC data frame


The score matrix depends on the modality. If more than one modality exists in the data frame, you must specify which modality to subset.


[logical] The default setting (TRUE) removes readers and cases that have no observations. Dropping them by default will speed up analyses. Leaving the levels (dropFlag = FALSE) is useful if you need the entire score or design matrix when comparing or doing analyses with two modalities.


A matrix that is nCases by nReaders of the scores each reader reported for each case

Assign a group label to items in a vector


Assign a group label to items in a vector


createGroups(items, nG)



A vector of items


The number of groups


A data frame containing the items and their group labels


x <- paste("item", 1:10, sep = "")
df <- createGroups(x, 3)

Convert a data frame with all needed factors to doIMRMC formatted data frame


Convert a data frame with all needed factors to doIMRMC formatted data frame


  keyColumns = list(readerID = "readerID", caseID = "caseID", modalityID = "modalityID",
    score = "score", truth = "truth"),
  truePositiveFactor = "cancer"



This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score, and truth. These columns are not expected to be named as such and other columns may exist.


This list identifies the column names of the data frame to be used for the analysis. list(readerID = "***", caseID = "***", modalityID = "***", score = "***", truth="***")


The true positive label, such as "cancer" or "1"


output a doIMRMC formatted data frame: rows for truth and rows for data. The results will be an iMRMC formatted data frame, see dfMRMC_example

Delete a data frame column


Delete a data frame column


deleteCol(df, colName)



A data frame


Column name or list of column names to be deleted


The data frame without the deleted column or columns

Example of iMRMC formatted data frame


An example data frame formatted for 'doIMRMC' and other iMRMC functions.




A data frame with 880 rows and 4 columns:


Factor with 5 levels like "reader1", "reader2", ... As well as the special reader "truth"


Factor with 80 levels like "case1", "case2", ...


Factor with 2 levels like "modality1", "modality2", ... As well as the special modality "truth"


Numeric reader score

Each row of this data frame corresponds to an observation. For every caseID, there must be a row corresponding to the truth observation. The readerID for a truth observation is "truth". The modalityID for a truth observation is "truth". The score for a truth observation must be either 0 (signal-absent) or 1 (signal-present).


# Create a sample configuration file
config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
dfMRMC_example <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
# Analyze the MRMC ROC data
result <- doIMRMC(dfMRMC_example)

MRMC analysis for arbitrary design dataset


Execute a Multi-Reader, Multi-Case (MRMC) analysis of ROC data from imaging studies where clinicians (readers) evaluate patient images (cases). An overview of this software, including references presenting details on the methods, can be found HERE or as an entry in the FDA/CDRH Regulatory Science Tool Catalog HERE.


doAUCmrmc(data, flagROC = FALSE)



an iMRMC formatted data frame, see dfMRMC_example


boolean indicating if ROC results should be computed.


The MRMC analysis results as a list, below is a quick summary:

  • summaryMRMC, list a list of summary study design information.

    • nM, num number of modalities

    • nR, num number of readers

    • nC.neg, num number of signal-present caeses

    • nC.pos, num number of signal-absent cases

    • modalites, char names of modalities

    • readers, char names of modalities

    • cases.neg, char names of modalities

    • cases.pos, char names of modalities

  • perReader.full, data.frame this data frame contains the performance results for each reader and modality comparison. The analysis returns the final AUC results and the moments, coefficients of those moments. Key variables of this data frame are AUC.1 (where '.1' indicates the row's reader and modality '.1' pair), AUC.2 ('.2' indicates the '.2' reader and modality pair), and covAUC.

  • Ustat.full, data.frame this data frame contains the reader-average AUC performance results. The analysis results are based on U-statistics. Key variables of this data frame are AUC.1, AUC.2, AUC1minusAUC2 and the corresponding variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.

  • ROC, list each object of this list is an object containing an ROC curve. There is an ROC curve for every combination of reader and modality. For every modality, there are also four average ROC curves. These are discussed in Chen2014_Br-J-Radiol_v87p20140016. The diagonal average averages the reader-specific ROC curves along y = -x + b for b in (0,1). The horizontal average averages the reader specific ROC curves along y = b for b in (0,1). The vertical average averages the reader specific ROC curves along x = b for b in (0,1). The pooled average ignores readerID and pools all the scores together to create one ROC curve.


# Create a sample configuration file
config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
# Analyze the MRMC ROC data and compute ROC curves
aucResult <- doAUCmrmc(dFrame.imrmc, flagROC = TRUE)

MRMC analysis for arbitrary design dataset


Execute a Multi-Reader, Multi-Case (MRMC) analysis of ROC data from imaging studies where clinicians (readers) evaluate patient images (cases). This function is a wrapper that executes doAUCmrmc and formats the output to generally match the output of doIMRMC version 1.2.5. An overview of this software, including references presenting details on the methods, can be found HERE or as an entry in the FDA/CDRH Regulatory Science Tool Catalog HERE.





an iMRMC formatted data frame, see dfMRMC_example


Unlike the legacy doIMRMC_java, the 'varDecomp' results no longer scale the covariance by a factor of 2. This scaling is needed when calculating the total variance of the difference in modalities. The user must scale this covariance by 2 manually now to achieve the total variance of the difference in modalities result.


The MRMC analysis results, below is a quick summary:

  • perReader, data.frame The performance results for each combination of reader and pair of modalities. Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding variances. When the modalities differ, the variance is understood to be the covariance between the modalities.

  • Ustat, data.frame Reader-averaged performance results for each pair of modalities. The analysis results are based on U-statistics. Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom, and p-values. When the modalities differ, the variance is understood to be the covariance between the modalities.

  • MLEstat, data.frame Reader-average performance results for each pair of modalities. The analysis results are based on V-statistics, which approximates the true distribution with the empirical distribution. The empirical distribution equals the nonparametric MLE estimate of the true distribution, which is also equivalent to the ideal bootstrap estimate. Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom, and p-values. When the modalities differ, the variance is understood to be the covariance between the modalities.

  • varDecomp, list list of data frames of the coefficient and components of variance. The analysis includes variance decomposition based off both the BDG and BCK MRMC methods, and Ustat and MLE statistical methods. Each MRMC and statistical method combination is contained within this list of lists.

  • ROC, list each object of this list is an object containing an ROC curve. There is an ROC curve for every combination of reader and modality. For every modality, there are also four average ROC curves. These are discussed in Chen2014_Br-J-Radiol_v87p20140016. The diagonal average averages the reader-specific ROC curves along y = -x + b for b in (0,1). The horizontal average averages the reader specific ROC curves along y = b for b in (0,1). The vertical average averages the reader specific ROC curves along x = b for b in (0,1). The pooled average ignores readerID and pools all the scores together to create one ROC curve.

  • full, list This returns the same result as doAUCmrmc.


# Create a sample configuration file
config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
# Analyze the MRMC ROC data
result <- doIMRMC(dFrame.imrmc)

MRMC analysis of the area under the ROC curve


doIMRMC_java takes ROC data as a data frame and runs a multi-reader multi-case analysis based on U-statistics as described in the following papers Gallas2006_Acad-Radiol_v13p353 (single-modality), Gallas2008_Neural-Networks_v21p387 (multiple modalities, arbitrary study designs), Gallas2009_Commun-Stat-A-Theor_v38p2586 (framework paper). This function is deprecated, please use doIMRMC instead.


  data = NULL,
  fileName = NULL,
  workDir = NULL,
  iMRMCjarFullPath = NULL,
  stripDatesForTests = FALSE



an iMRMC formatted data frame, see dfMRMC_example


This character string identifies the location of an iMRMC input file. The input file is identical to data except there is a free text section to start, then a line with "BEGIN DATA:", then the data frame info.


This character string determines the directory where intermediate results are written. If this parameter is not set, the program writes the intermediate results to the directory specified by tempdir() and then deletes them.


This character string identifies the location of the iMRMC.jar file this jar file can be downloaded from this R program supports version iMRMC-v3p2.jar


Since results include a date and time stamp, these need to be stripped out when doing the package tests. This parameter flags whether or not the dates should be stripped out.


In detail, this procedure reads the name of an input file from the local file system, or takes a data frame and writes it to the local file system formatted for the iMRMC program (found at, it executes a java app, the iMRMC engine, which writes the results to the local files system, it reads the analysis results from the local file system, packs the analysis results into a list object, deletes the data and analysis results from the local file system, and returns the list object.

This software requires Java(>=8).

The examples took too long for CRAN to accept. So here is an example:

# Create a sample configuration file
config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
# Analyze the MRMC ROC data
result <- doIMRMC_java(dFrame.imrmc)


[list] iMRMC outputs. The objects of this list are described in detail in the iMRMC documentation which can be found at <>

Here is a quick summary:

  • perReader data.frame containing the performance results for each reader. Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.

  • Ustat data.frame containing the reader-average performance results. The analysis results are based on U-statistics and the papers listed above. Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.

  • MLEstat data.frame containing the reader-average performance results. The analysis results are based on V-statistics, which approximates the true distribution with the empirical distribution. The empirical distribution equals the nonparametric MLE estimate of the true distribution, which is also equivalent to the ideal bootstrap estimate. Please refer to the papers listed above. Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.

  • ROC list containing ROC curves There is an ROC curve for every combination of reader and modality. For every modality, there are also four average ROC curves. These are discussed in Chen2014_Br-J-Radiol_v87p20140016. The diagonal average averages the reader-specific ROC curves along y = -x + b for b in (0,1). The horizontal average averages the reader specific ROC curves along y = b for b in (0,1). The vertical average averages the reader specific ROC curves along x = b for b in (0,1). The pooled average ignores readerID and pools all the scores together to create one ROC curve.

  • varDecomp list containing different decompositions of the total variance. Please refer to Gallas2009_Commun-Stat-A-Theor_v38p2586 (framework paper). The different decompositions are BCK, BDG, DBM, MS, OR.

Empirically average over multiple empirical ROC curves


Empirically average over multiple empirical ROC curves


doROCavg(ROC, direction = "SeSp")



list of ROC curves. Each element of the list is a data frame with pairs of (fpf, tpf) operating points.


the direction over which to average

  • SeSp (default) The ROC curves are averaged diagonally. Average Se+Sp of all the input ROC curves for every possible Se-Sp.

  • Se The ROC curves are averaged vertically. Average the sensitivity of all the input ROC curves for every possible specificity.

  • Sp The ROC curves are averaged horizontally. Average the specificity of all the input ROC curves for every possible specificity.


data frame of an ROC curve

  • fpf False-positive fractions (1-specificity)

  • tpf True-positive fractions (sensitivity)

Create a standard set of ROC curves from an MRMC data frame


Create a standard set of ROC curves from an MRMC data frame





data frame

  • readerID

  • caseID

  • modalityID

  • score

  • truthLabel


list of ROC curves corresponding to all reader x modality combinations, all modalities with the reader scores pooled, all modalities with the per-reader ROC curves, horizontally, diagonally, and vertically averaged.

Create empirical ROC curve


Create empirical ROC curve


doROCxy(sa, sp)



signal-absent scores


signal-present scores


data frame of an ROC curve

  • fpf False-positive fractions (1-specificity)

  • tpf True-positive fractions (sensitivity)

  • threshold Threshold corresponding to each fpf, tpf operating point


# Create a sample configuration file
config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
# Isolate signal absent scores
indexSA <- grep("negCase", dFrame.imrmc$caseID)
sa <- dFrame.imrmc[indexSA, ]$score
# Isolate signal present scores
indexSP <- grep("posCase", dFrame.imrmc$caseID)
sp <- dFrame.imrmc[indexSP, ]$score
# Compute empirical ROC curve
result <- doROCxy(sa, sp)

Create empirical ROC curve from an MRMC formatted data frame


Create empirical ROC curve from an MRMC formatted data frame





data frame

  • readerID

  • caseID

  • modalityID

  • score

  • truthLabel


data frame of an ROC curve

  • modalityID

  • readerID

  • fpf False-positive fractions (1-specificity)

  • tpf True-positive fractions (sensitivity)

  • threshold Threshold corresponding to each fpf, tpf

Extract between-reader between-modality pairs of scores


Extract between-reader between-modality pairs of scores


  modalities = c("testA", "testB"),
  keyColumns = list(readerID = "readerID", caseID = "caseID", modalityID = "modalityID",
    score = "score")



This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score.


The modalities (testA, testB) for the scores to be paired


This list identifies the column names of the data frame to be used for the analysis. list(readerID = "***", caseID = "***", modalityID = "***", score = "***", truth="***")


A data frame of all paired observations. Each observation comes from a pair of readers evaluating a case in two modalities. The first column corresponds to one reader evaluating the case in testA. The second column corresonds to the other reader evaluating the case in testB.

Extract within-reader between-modality pairs of scores


Extract within-reader between-modality pairs of scores


  modalities = "testA",
  keyColumns = list(readerID = "readerID", caseID = "caseID", modalityID = "modalityID",
    score = "score")



This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score.


The modalities (testA, testB) for the scores to be paired


This list identifies the column names of the data frame to be used for the analysis. list(readerID = "***", caseID = "***", modalityID = "***", score = "***", truth="***")


A data frame of all paired observations. Each observation comes from a one reader evaluating a case in two modalities The first column corresponds to one reader evaluating the case in "testA". The second column corresonds to the same reader evaluating the case in "testB".

Get between-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC data frame


Get between-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC data frame


getBRBM(mcsData, modality.X, modality.Y)



A data frame with the following columns: readerID, caseID, modalityID, score


The name of one modality


The name of one modality.


If modality.Y = modality.X, then the data would be between-reader, within-modality (BRWM).


The result of merging the modality.X and modality.Y subsets of mcsData by caseID for every pair of readers

Import MRMC dataset from the web (


Import MRMC dataset from the web (


getMRMCdataset(dataset = "viperObs")



Possible dataset options available:

  • pilotHTT: Breast cancer annotation data that is the aggregate of all clean data from the HTT project pilot study.

  • viperObs: Individual observations of each reader reading each case from the FDA Validation of Imaging Premarket Evaluation and Regulation (VIPER) Study.

  • viperObs365: Individual observations of each reader reading each case from the FDA Validation of Imaging Premarket Evaluation and Regulation (VIPER) Study, truth is based on cancer status at 365 days.

  • viperObs455: Individual observations of each reader reading each case from the FDA Validation of Imaging Premarket Evaluation and Regulation (VIPER) Study, truth is based on cancer status at 455 days.

  • MFcounts_dfClassify: A data frame comparing mitotic figure counting performance based on whole slide images (WSI images) from four scanners to the counts from a microscope, data is per candidate mitotic figure and modality.

  • MFcounts_dfCountROI: A data frame comparing mitotic figure counting performance based on whole slide images (WSI images) from four scanners to the counts from a microscope, data is per ROI and modality.

  • MFcounts_dfCountWSI: A data frame comparing mitotic figure counting performance based on whole slide images (WSI images) from four scanners to the counts from a microscope, data is per WSI and modality.

  • cardioStudyTruth: Cardio CT data comparing display color scale effects on diagnostic performance and reader agreement, ground truth data.

  • cardioStudyRawData: Cardio CT data comparing display color scale effects on diagnostic performance and reader agreement, reader data.

  • prostateTruth: Prostate MRI data comparing display color scale effects on diagnostic performance and reader agreement, ground truth data.

  • prostateRawData: Prostate MRI data comparing display color scale effects on diagnostic performance and reader agreement, reader data.


desired dataset downloaded from the web as a csv


# Save Prostate MRI ground truth and reader data
truthData <- getMRMCdataset("prostateTruth")
rawData <- getMRMCdataset("prostateRawData")

Get a score from an MRMC data frame


Get a score from an MRMC data frame


getMRMCscore(df, iR, iC, modality)



An MRMC data frame


The numeric index of the readerID


The numeric index of the caseID


The character description of the modalityID


The score

Get within-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC data frame


Get within-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC data frame


getWRBM(mrmcDF, modality.X, modality.Y)



A data frame with the following columns: readerID, caseID, modalityID, score


The name of one modality


The name of one modality. This should be different from modality.X


The result of merging the modality.X and modality.Y subsets of mrmcDF by readerID and caseID

Initialize the l'Ecuyer random number generator


See the documentation for the parallel package. If you require backwards compatibility, please run RNGversion("3.5.0").


init.lecuyerRNG(seed = 1, stream = 2)



This determines the position in each stream


This determines the stream



MRMC Analysis of Limits of Agreement using ANOVA


These four functions calculate four types of Limits of Agreement using ANOVA: Within-Reader Within-Modality(WRWM), Between-Reader Within-Modality(BRWM), Within-Reader Between-Modality(WRBM), and Between-Reader Between-Modality(BRBM). The 95% confidence interval of the mean difference is also provided. If the study is fully crossed, the ANOVA methods are realized either by applying stats::aov or by matrix multiplication. Otherwise, the SS in ANOVA are computed as residual sums of squares of linear models. See details below about the model structure and these references.

  • S. Wen and B. D. Gallas, “Three-Way Mixed Effect ANOVA to Estimate MRMC Limits of Agreement,” Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 14, pp. 532–541, 2022, doi:10.1080/19466315.2022.2063169.

  • S. Wen and B. D. Gallas, “Expanding to Arbitrary Study Designs: ANOVA to Estimate Limits of Agreement for MRMC Studies,” arXiv, 2023, doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2312.16097.


  modalitiesToCompare = c("testA", "testB"),
  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score"),
  if.aov = TRUE,
  type = 1,
  reader.first = TRUE

  modality = c("testA"),
  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score"),
  if.aov = TRUE,
  type = 1,
  reader.first = TRUE

  replicatesToCompare = c("testA", "testB"),
  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score"),
  if.aov = TRUE,
  type = 1,
  reader.first = TRUE

  modalitiesToCompare = c("testA", "testB"),
  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score"),
  if.aov = TRUE,
  type = 1,
  reader.first = TRUE,
  is.sparseQR = T



Data frame of observations, one per row. Columns identify random effects, fixed effects, and the observation. Namely,


The factor corresponding to the different readers in the study. The readerID is treated as a random effect.


The factor corresponding to the different cases in the study. The caseID is treated as a random effect.


The factor corresponding to the different modalities in the study. The modalityID is treated as a fixed effect.


The number (observation) given by the reader to the case for the modality indicated.


The factors identifying the modalities to compare. It should be length 2. Default = c("testA","testB")


Identify the factors corresponding to the readerID (random effect), caseID (random effect), modalityID (fixed effect), and score (observation). Default = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")


Boolean value to determine whether to use the 'stats::aov' function or to calculate the ANOVA statistics explicitly. 'stats::aov' is only appropriate for fully-crossed study only. This flag permits head-to-head comparisons of the output from 'stats::aov' and the explicit calculations. Default = TRUE


Identify how SS are computed in ANOVA for unbalanced study designs. The possible values are c(1,2,3), corresponding to the approaches introduced in the SAS package(Langsrud2003_Stat-Comput_v13p163).

Default type= 1


Boolean value to determine whether reader effect is added to the model before the case effect. Default reader.first = TRUE


The factor identifying the modality for laBRWM. It should be length 1. Default = modality = c("testA")


The factors identifying the replicates to compare for laWRWM. It should be length 2. Default = c("testA","testB")


Boolean value to determine whether the 'base::qr' function assumes the input data is sparse or not. Default = TRUE


Suppose the score from a reader j for case k under modality ii isXijkX_{ijk}, then the difference score from the same reader for the same case under two different modalities is Yjk=X1jkX2jkY_{jk} = X_{1jk} - X_{2jk}.

  • laWRBM use two-way random effect ANOVA to analyze the difference scores YjkY_{jk}. The model is Yjk=μ+Rj+Ck+ϵjkY_{jk}=\mu + R_j + C_k + \epsilon_{jk}, where RjR_j and CkC_k are random effects for readers and cases. The variances of mean and individual observations are expressed as linear combinations of the MS given by ANOVA.

  • laBRWM use two-way random effect ANOVA to analyze the scores XjkX_{jk} for a single modality. The model is Xjk=μ+Rj+Ck+ϵjkX_{jk}=\mu + R_j + C_k + \epsilon_{jk}, where RjR_j and CkC_k are random effects for readers and cases. The variances of mean and individual observations are expressed as linear combinations of the MS given by ANOVA.

  • laWRWM use two-way random effect ANOVA to analyze the difference scores YjkY_{jk} from the same reader for the same cases under the same modality with different replicates Yjk=Xjk1Xjk2Y_{jk} = X_{jk1} - X_{jk2}. The model is Yjk=μ+Rj+Ck+ϵjkY_{jk}=\mu + R_j + C_k + \epsilon_{jk}, where RjR_j and CkC_k are random effects for readers and cases. The variances of mean and individual observations are expressed as linear combinations of the MS given by ANOVA.

  • laBRBM use three-way mixed effect ANOVA to analyze the scores XijkX_{ijk}. The model is given by Xijk=μ+Rj+Ck+mi+RCjk+mRij+mCik+ϵijkX_{ijk}=\mu + R_j + C_k + m_i + RC_{jk} + mR_{ij} + mC_{ik} + \epsilon_{ijk}, where RjR_j and CkC_k are random effects for readers and cases, mim_i is a fixed effect for modality, and the other terms are interaction terms. The variances of mean and individual observations are expressed as linear combinations of the MS given by ANOVA.


A list of two dataframes.

The first dataframe is limits.of.agreement. It has one row. Each column is as follows:


The mean difference score.


The variance of the mean difference score.


The variance of the difference score.

Lower bound of 95% CI for the mean difference score. meanDiff+ 1.96*sqrt(var.MeanDiff)

Upper bound of 95% CI for the mean difference score. meanDiff- 1.96*sqrt(var.MeanDiff)

Lower Limit of Agreement for the difference score. meanDiff+1.96*sqrt(var.1obs)

Upper Limit of Agreement for the difference score. meanDiff-1.96*sqrt(var.1obs)

The second dataframe is two.way.ANOVA or three.way.ANOVA shows the degrees of freedom, sums of squares, and estimates of variance components for each source of variation


# Initialize the simulation configuration parameters
config <- sim.NormalIG.Hierarchical.config(modalityID = c("testA", "testB"))

# Initizlize the seed and stream of the random number generator

# Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
dFrame <- sim.NormalIG.Hierarchical(config)

# Compute Limits of Agreement
laWRBM_result <- laWRBM(dFrame)
laBRBM_result <- laBRBM(dFrame)

Rename a data frame column name or a list object name


Rename a data frame column name or a list object name


renameCol(df, oldColName, newColName)



A data frame


Old column name


New column name


the data frame with the updated column name

Convert ROC data formatted for doIMRMC to TPF and FPF data formatted for doIMRMC


Convert ROC data formatted for doIMRMC to TPF and FPF data formatted for doIMRMC


roc2binary(df.auc, threshold)



data frame of roc scores formatted for doIMRMC


The threshold for determining binary decisions


a list of two data frames (df.tpf and df.fpf) both formatted for doIMRMC


# Create a sample configuration file
config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
# Convert ROC MRMC data to TPF and FPF data frames
result <- roc2binary(dFrame.imrmc, threshold = 0.9)
# Analyze TPF data using doIMRMC
tpf_result <- doIMRMC(result$df.tpf)
# View(tpf_result$perReader)



This is a data frame containing the configuration parameters used in Roe1997_Acad-Radiol_v4p298. Each row corresponds to one of the twelve configurations appearing in Table 1 of that paper in a format that can be the input to sim.gRoeMetz.


The columns of this data frame are as follows

  • Experiment labels and size

    • modalityID.A: [character] label modality A

    • modalityID.B: [character] label modality B

    • nR: [numeric] number of readers

    • nC.neg: [numeric] number of signal-absent cases

    • nC.pos: [numeric] number of signal-present cases

  • There are six fixed effects:

    • mu.neg: [numeric] signal-absent (neg, global mean)

    • mu.pos: [numeric] signal-present (pos, global mean)

    • mu.Aneg: [numeric] modality A signal-absent (Aneg, modality effect)

    • mu.Bneg: [numeric] modality B signal-absent (Bneg, modality effect)

    • mu.Apos: [numeric] modality A signal-present (Apos, modality effect)

    • mu.Bpos: [numeric] modality B signal-present (Bpos, modality effect)

  • There are six random effects that are independent of modality

    • var_r.neg: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.neg: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.neg: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

    • var_r.pos: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.pos: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.pos: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

  • There are six random effects that are specific to modality A

    • var_r.Aneg: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Aneg: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Aneg: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

    • var_r.Apos: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Apos: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Apos: [numeric] variance of randome reader by case effect

  • There are six random effects that are specific to modality B

    • var_r.Bneg: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Bneg: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Bneg: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

    • var_r.Bpos: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Bpos: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Bpos: [numeric] variance of randome reader by case effect

Simulate an MRMC data set of an ROC experiment comparing two modalities


This procedure simulates an MRMC data set of an ROC experiment comparing two modalities. It is based on Gallas2014_J-Med-Img_v1p031006, which generalizes of the model in Roe1997_Acad-Radiol_v4p298 and Roe1997_Acad-Radiol_v4p587. Specifically, it allows the variance components to depend on the truth and the modality. For the simpler Roe and Metz model, you can enter the smaller set of parameters into sim.gRoeMetz.config and it will return a larger set of parameters that can be used with this function.





[list] of simulation parameters:

  • Experiment labels and size

    • modalityID.A: [character] label modality A

    • modalityID.B: [character] label modality B

    • nR: [numeric] number of readers

    • nC.neg: [numeric] number of signal-absent cases

    • nC.pos: [numeric] number of signal-present cases

  • There are six fixed effects:

    • mu.neg: [numeric] signal-absent (neg, global mean)

    • mu.pos: [numeric] signal-present (pos, global mean)

    • mu.Aneg: [numeric] modality A signal-absent (Aneg, modality effect)

    • mu.Bneg: [numeric] modality B signal-absent (Bneg, modality effect)

    • mu.Apos: [numeric] modality A signal-present (Apos, modality effect)

    • mu.Bpos: [numeric] modality B signal-present (Bpos, modality effect)

  • There are six random effects that are independent of modality

    • var_r.neg: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.neg: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.neg: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

    • var_r.pos: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.pos: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.pos: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

  • There are six random effects that are specific to modality A

    • var_r.Aneg: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Aneg: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Aneg: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

    • var_r.Apos: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Apos: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Apos: [numeric] variance of randome reader by case effect

  • There are six random effects that are specific to modality B

    • var_r.Bneg: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Bneg: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Bneg: [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect

    • var_r.Bpos: [numeric] variance of random reader effect

    • var_c.Bpos: [numeric] variance of random case effect

    • var_rc.Bpos: [numeric] variance of randome reader by case effect


The simulation is a linear model with six fixed effects related to modality and truth and 18 normally distributed independent random effects for readers, cases, and the interaction between the two. Here is the linear model:

L.mrct = mu.t +
+ reader.rt + case.ct + readerXcase.rct
+ modalityXreader.mrt + modalityXcase.mct + modalityXreaderXcase.mrct

  • m=modality (levels: A and b)

  • t=truth (levels: neg and Pos)

  • mu.t is the global mean for t=neg and t=pos cases

  • is the modality specific fixed effects for t=neg and t=pos cases

  • the remaining terms are the random effects: all independent normal random variables


dFrame.imrmc [data.frame] with (nC.neg + nC.pos)*(nR+1) rows including

  • readerID: [factor] w/ nR levels "reader1", "reader2", ...

  • caseID: [factor] w/ nC levels "case1", "case2", ...

  • modalityID: [factor] w/ 1 level config$modalityID

  • score: [numeric] reader score

Note that the first nC.neg + nC.pos rows specify the truth labels for each case. For these rows, the readerID must be "truth" and the score must be 0 for negative cases and 1 for positive cases.

Create a configuration object for the sim.gRoeMetz program


This function creates a configuration object for the Roe & Metz simulation model to be used as input for the sim.gRoeMetz program. The default model returned when there are no arguments given to the function is the "HH" model from Roe1987_Acad-Radiol_v4p298. Following that paper, The user can specify three parameters related to experiment size (nR, nC.neg, nC.pos) and five parameters parameters specifying a linear model that does not depend on modality or truth (mu.neg, mu.pos, var_r, var_c, var_rc). The mu.pos is set to 1.0, which yields a reader averaged AUC of approximately 0.765.


  nR = 5,
  nC.neg = 40,
  nC.pos = 40,
  mu.neg = 0,
  mu.pos = 1,
  var_r = 0.03,
  var_c = 0.3,
  var_rc = 0.2



Number of readers (default = 5)


Number of signal-absent cases (default = 25)


Number of signal-present cases (default = 25)


Mean fixed effect of signal-absent distribution (default = 0.0)
Modality specific parameters are set to zero: mu.Aneg = mu.Bneg = 0


Mean fixed effect of signal-present distribution (default = 1.0)
Modality specific parameters are set to zero: mu.Apos = mu.Bpos = 0


Variance of reader random effect (default = 0.03)
var_r.neg = var_r.pos = var_r.Aneg = var_r.Apos = var_r.Bneg = var_r.Bpos = var_r


Variance of case random effect (default = 0.30)
var_c.neg = var_c.pos = var_c.Aneg = var_c.Apos = var_c.Bneg = var_c.Bpos = var_c


Variance of random effect (default = 0.20)
var_rc.neg = var_rc.pos = var_rc.Aneg = var_rc.Apos = var_rc.Bneg = var_rc.Bpos = var_rc


If no arguments, this function returns a default simulation configuration for sim.gRoeMetz


config [list] Refer to the sim.gRoeMetz input variable

Simulate an MRMC data set comparing two modalities by a hierarchical model


This procedure simulates an MRMC data set for an MRMC agreement study comparing two modalities. It is a hierarchical model that consists of two interaction terms: reader-case interaction and modality-reader-case-replicate interaction. Both interaction terms are conditionally normally distributed, with the case(-related) factor contributing to the conditional mean and the reader(-related) factor contributing to the conditional variance. The case effect is normally distributed, while the reader effect is an inverse-gamma.

The Hierarchical Inverse-Gamma model is described in this paper:

  • S. Wen and B. D. Gallas, “Three-Way Mixed Effect ANOVA to Estimate MRMC Limits of Agreement,” Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 14, pp. 532–541, 2022, doi:10.1080/19466315.2022.2063169


  R = NULL,
  AR = NULL,
  BR = NULL,
  is.within = FALSE



[list] of simulation parameters:

  • Experiment labels and size

    • modalityID: [vector] label modality A and B.

    • nR: [num] number of readers

    • nC: [num] number of cases

    • C_dist: [chr] distribution of the case. Default C_dist="normal"

  • Mean and fixed effects:

    • mu: [num] grand mean

    • tau_A: [num] modality A

    • tau_B: [num] modality B

  • Reader-case interaction term

    • sigma_C: [num] std of case factor (if C_dist="normal")

    • a_C: [num] alpha for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta")

    • b_C: [num] beta for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta")

    • alpha_R: [num] shape parameter for reader

    • beta_R: [num] scale parameter for reader

  • Modality-reader-case-replicate interaction term for modality A

    • sigma_C.A: [num] std of case factor (if C_dist="normal")

    • a_C.A: [num] alpha for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta")

    • b_C.A: [num] beta for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta")

    • alpha_R.A: [num] shape parameter for reader

    • beta_R.A: [num] scale parameter for reader

  • Modality-reader-case-replicate interaction term for modality B

    • sigma_C.B: [num] std of case factor (if C_dist="normal")

    • a_C.B: [num] alpha for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta")

    • b_C.B: [num] beta for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta")

    • alpha_R.B: [num] shape parameter for reader

    • beta_R.B: [num] scale parameter for reader

  • Scales for the case related terms and interaction terms

    • C_scale: [num] weight for the case factor

    • RC_scale: [num] weight for the reader-case interaction term

    • tauC_scale: [num] weight for the modality-case term

    • tauRCE_scale: [num] weight for the modality-reader-case-replicate interaction term


[vector] of size nR of reader factors pre-generated from a gamma(alpha_R, beta_R) distribution to allow the reader factor to be fixed across multiple simulations. Default = NULL


[vector] of size nR of modality-reader interaction terms pre-generated from a gamma(alpha_R.A, beta_R.A) distribution to allow the modality-reader interaction terms to be fixed across multiple simulations the modality-reader interaction. Default = NULL


[vector] of size nR of modality-reader interaction terms pre-generated from a gamma(alpha_R.B, beta_R.B) distribution to allow the modality-reader interaction terms to be fixed across multiple simulations the modality-reader interaction. Default = NULL


[bol] whether the data are within-modality (A==B). In this case the modality-reader and modality-case interaction terms will be the same. Default = FALSE


The model has the following structure: X.ijkl = mu + m.i + RC.jk + mRCE.ijkl

  • mu = grand mean

  • m.i = modalities (levels: A and B)

  • RC.jk given R.j,C.k ~ N(C.k, R.j) reader-case interaction term

  • mRCE.ijkl given mR.ij,mC.ik ~ N(mC.ik, mR.ij) modality-reader-case-replicate term

  • C.k and mC.ik are Normal/beta distributed

  • R.j and mR.ij are Inverse-Gamma distributed


df [data.frame] with nR x nC x 2 rows including

  • readerID: [Factor] w/ nR levels "reader1", "reader2", ...

  • caseID: [Factor] w/ nC levels "case1", "case2", ...

  • modalityID: [Factor] w/ 2 levels "testA" and "testB"

  • score: [num] reader score

Create a configuration object for the sim.NormalIG.Hierarchical function


This function creates a configuration object that sets the parameters for the Hierarchical Inverse-Gamma simulation model. The configuration object is an to the sim.NormalIG.Hierarchical function.


  nR = 5,
  nC = 100,
  modalityID = c("testA", "testA*"),
  C_dist = "normal",
  mu = 0,
  tau_A = 0,
  tau_B = 0,
  alpha_R = 10,
  beta_R = 1,
  sigma_C = 1,
  a_C = 0.8,
  b_C = 3,
  sigma_tauC = 1,
  alpha_tauR = 10,
  beta_tauR = 1,
  C_scale = 1,
  RC_scale = 1,
  tauC_scale = 1,
  tauRCE_scale = 1



[num] Number of readers. Default nR = 5


[num] Number of cases. Default nC = 100


[vector] List of modalityID. Default modalityID = c("testA", "testA*")


[chr] Distribution of the case. Default C_dist="normal"


[num] grand mean. Default mu = 0


[num] modality A effect. Default tau_A = 0


[num] modality B effect. Default tau_B = 0


[num] shape parameter for reader. Default alpha_R = 10


[num] scale parameter for reader. Default beta = 1


[num] std of case factor (if C_dist="normal"). Default sigma_C = 1


[num] alpha for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta"). Default a_C = 0.8


[num] beta for distribution of case (if C_dist="beta"). Default b_C = 3


[num] std of modality-case (if C_dist="normal"). Default sigma_tauC = 1


[num] shape parameter for modality-reader. Default alpha_tauR = 10


[num] scale parameter for modality-reader. Default beta_tauR = 1


[num] weight for the case factor. Default C_scale = 1


[num] weight for the reader-case interaction term. Default RC_scale = 1


[num] weight for the modality-case term. Default tauC_scale = 1


[num] weight for the modality-reader-case-replicate interaction term. Default tauRCE_scale = 1


If no arguments, this function returns a default simulation configuration for the sim.NormalIG.Hierarchical function.


config [list] of input parameters for sim.NormalIG.Hierarchical.

Simulate an MRMC data set


This program simulates observations from one set of readers scoring one set of cases. It produces one modality and one truth state of ROC data following Roe1997_Acad-Radiol_v4p298 and Roe1997_Acad-Radiol_v4p587. In order to produce an entire ROC data set, please use sim.gRoeMetz.





[list] of simulation parameters:

  • modalityID [character] label modalityID

  • readerIDs [factor] the ID of each reader

  • caseIDs [factor] the ID of each case

  • mu [numeric] mean

  • var_r [numeric] variance of random reader effect

  • var_c [numeric] variance of random case effect

  • var_rc [numeric] variance of random reader by case effect


The simulation is a linear model with one fixed effect and three normally distributed independent random effects corresponding to readers, cases, and an interaction between the two.

L.rc = mu + readerEffect.r + caseEffect.c + readerXcaseEffect.rc


L [data.frame] with nC*nR rows of 4 variables

  • L$modalityID [factor] determined by input modalityID

  • L$readerID [factor] determined by input readerIDs

  • L$caseID [factor] determined by input caseIDs

  • L$score [numeric] R.r + C.c + RC.rc

    • r = 1,2,...,nR

    • c = 1,2,...,nC

    • R.r ~ N(0,var_r)

    • C.c ~ N(0,var_c)

    • RC.rc ~ N(0,var_rc)

Simulates a sample MRMC ROC experiment


Simulates a sample MRMC ROC experiment




dFrame.imrmc [data.frame] Please refer to the description of the sim.gRoeMetz return variable

Convert an MRMC data frame of successes to one formatted for doIMRMC


Convert an MRMC data frame of successes to one formatted for doIMRMC





Each row contains a success observation for one reader evaluating one case


data frame ready for doIMRMC

Convert a doIMRMC formatted data frame to a standard data frame with all factors.


Convert a doIMRMC formatted data frame to a standard data frame with all factors.





This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score. Each row is a reader x case x modality observation from the study In addition to observations from the study, this data frame requires rows specifying the truth for each caseID. For truth specifications, the readerID needs to equal "truth" or "-1", modalityID can be anything ("truth" is a good choice), and score should be 0 for signal-absent normal case, 1 for signal-present disease case.


Delete rows specifying truth and put the truth information on every row.


output a data frame with columns readerID, caseID, modalityID, score, truth

Analysis of U-statistics degree 1,1


These two functions calculate the mean and variance of a user-specified U-statistic kernel, which is a function of cross-correlated scores.

The motivation for this analysis is data collected in imaging studies where multiple readers read multiple cases in different modes or modalities. The goal is to evaluate the variance of a reader- and case-averaged endpoint, accounting for cross-correlated data arising from two random effects: the random reader skill and the random case difficulty. This analysis is sometimes referred to as an MRMC analysis. Of course, the random effects can be from sources other than readers and cases.


  kernelFlag = 1,
  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")

  kernelFlag = 1,
  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")



an iMRMC formatted data frame, see dfMRMC_example


The factors identifying the modalities to compare.


This determines the kernel function

  • kernelFlag = 1 == identity kernel: requires two modalities: A,B.

  • kernelFlag = 2 == kernel of the difference in modalities: requires four modalities: A,B,C,D.


Identify the factors corresponding to the readerID, caseID, modalityID, and score (or alternative random and fixed effects).


uStat11.conditionalD is identical to uStat11.jointD when the study is fully-crossed: when every reader readers all the cases in both modalities. For arbitrary study designs the two functions differ according to how the components of variance are estimated.

  • uStat11.conditionalD follows Gallas2007_J-Opt-Soc-Am-A_v24pB70 <doi:10.1364/JOSAA.24.000B70> and estimates the components of variance (which isolate combinations of different random effects) with nested conditional means.

  • uStat11.jointD is analogous to the method in Gallas2008_Neural-Networks_v21p387 <doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2007.12.013> and estimates the components of variance (which isolate combinations of different random effects) with a joint distribution over all the observations giving equal weight to each one.

Both functions yield unbiased variance estimates. Our simulations find that uStat11.conditionalD is statistically more efficient than uStat11.jointD (its variance estimate is more precise), but it is slower.

Please refer to the tests/testthat folder of the package for examples using these functions.


This function calculates the mean and variance of the indicated U-statistic kernel, which is a function of the scores. For the identity kernel, we simply return the mean and variance of the scores.

The function returns a list of outputs. Many of these outputs have three elements.

  • If kernelFlag = 1 == identity kernel, the first element corresponds to the mean score of modality A, the second corresponds to mean score of modality B, and the third corresponds to the mean of the difference in scores from modality A and B.

  • If kernelFlag = 2 == difference kernel, the first element corresponds to the mean difference in scores from modalities A and B, the second element corresponds to the mean difference in scores from modalities C and D, and the third elements corresponds to the difference of the just-mentioned differences.

There are 16 outputs:

  • mean: See description above.

  • var: The variance of the mean.

  • var.1obs: The variance of one reader-case-modality observation.

  • meanPerR The reader-specific means.

  • nR The number of readers in the study.

  • nC The number of cases in the study.

  • nCperR The number of cases evaluated by each reader for each modality.

  • moments The second order moments of the problem.

  • coeff The coefficients corresponding to the second-order moments such that the scalar product between the moments and coefficients yields the variance.

  • kernel.A A matrix showing the kernel evaluated for each combination of each reader and case for modality A (or AB).

  • design.A A matrix showing the what data exists for each combination of each reader and case for modality A (or AB).

  • kernel.B A matrix showing the kernel evaluated for each combination of each reader and case for modality B (or CD).

  • design.B A matrix showing the what data exists for each combination of each reader and case for modality B (or CD).


# Create an MRMC data frame
# Refer to Gallas2014_J-Med-Img_v1p031006
simRoeMetz.config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()

# Simulate data
df.MRMC <- sim.gRoeMetz(simRoeMetz.config)

# Reformat data
df <- undoIMRMCdf(df.MRMC)

# Grab part of the data
df <- droplevels(df[grepl("pos", df$caseID), ])

#### uStat11.jointD.identity ####
# Calculate the reader- and case-averaged difference in scores from testA and testB
# (kernelFlag = 1 specifies the U-statistics kernel to be the identity)
result.jointD.identity <- uStat11.jointD(
  kernelFlag = 1,
  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score"),
  modalitiesToCompare = c("testA", "testB"))

cat("uStat11.jointD.identity \n")

Create the kernel and design matrices for uStat11


The kernel is the difference kernel


  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")



Data frame of observations, one per row. Columns also identify random and fixed effects.


The factors identifying the modalities to compare


The required columns

Create the kernel and design matrices for uStat11


The kernel is the identity kernel


  keyColumns = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")



Data frame of observations, one per row. Columns also identify random and fixed effects.


The factors identifying the modalities to compare


The required columns